Bread As A Natural Dietary Source Of Vitamin D

Bread as a natural dietary source of vitamin D? As a more significant source
of this “sunshine vitamin” than milk? Yes, when made with bakers yeast
manufactured to be naturally rich in vitamin D. A leading producer of bakers
yeast has rolled out this process to all its North American plants for all forms
of bakers yeast, making this nutritionally significant change at no cost to its
bakery customers.

Vitamin D affects calcium regulation in the body and is particularly important
to bone growth and maintenance. Humans normally acquire this important vitamin
through exposure of the skin to sunlight for at least 10 to 15 minutes, two or
three times a week. Yet modern lifestyles and sunscreens interfere with this
natural process, so most people should supplement their diets with vitamin D.

Many children in the US need more vitamin D, according to a national study
published in the November issue of Pediatrics. The research, led by Jonathan
Mansback, MD, of the Department of Medicine, Childrens Hospital Boston, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, drew data from a 2001-04 survey and projected
suboptimal levels of vitamin D in millions of children aged 1 to 11, especially
non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American children.

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