Louisville Blinking On Trans Fats Ban

It’s never a good thing when solid public health policy is sidetracked by
wobbly-kneed politics.

And that’s what happened with the decision this week by Dr. Adewale Troutman,
director of the Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness, not to
recommend that the city ban the use of trans fats in the preparation of foods in

Dr. Troutman is fully aware of the dangers of trans fats, of course. They can do
significant harm by raising the amounts of bad cholesterol in the body and
lowering the levels of good cholesterol, and are linked to several serious
health problems, especially heart disease, the leading killer of adult men and
women. The Mayo Clinic says many doctors consider trans fats the worst of all
dietary fat, and a local task force created by Dr. Troutman called earlier this
month for a ban to be implemented within 18 months.

To read the rest of this story please go to:

The Courier-Journal