Food Industry Leaders Unite To Promote Sanitation Best Practices

November 17, 2009 American Bakers Association

Drawing upon the combined expertise of leading food safety and sanitation experts, and sponsored by eight leading food industry organizations, the Equipment & Plant Design Workshop for Allergen/Pathogen Control will be held February 9 & 10, 2010 in Chicago providing attendees with practical, real world solutions to take back to their companies.

Pea Flour Could Create Tasty Low-GI Foods: Study

Whole yellow pea flour could be used to create low-GI foods with similar
sensory characteristics to whole wheat flour, according to a new study from the
Journal of Food Science.

Introducing Nature’s Pride Nutty Oat Bread

November 13, 2009 Nature's Pride

Natures Pride, available nationwide, has just introduced Nutty Oat, offering the
hearty texture of oats and delicious nutty flavor with no nut allergens. It is
also the first all natural variety of its kind to be introduced.

House Passes Health Care Reform Bill Detrimental To The Baking Industry

The American Bakers Association has identified several areas in which the Health Care Reform bill, which passed in the House of Representatives, can negatively impact bakers and the baking industry.

Great Market Growth Expected For Anti-Aging Snacks

Researchers with Leatherhead Food Research claim that, to date, commercial product activity in food and drinks that prevent or reduce age-related disease has been fairly imited, but they note relatively high levels of activity in cookies and snacks, even if the market remains small and fragmented.