Smart Balance Updates Outlook For 2010

June 18, 2010 Smart Balance, Inc.

Smart Balance, Inc. today updated its outlook for 2010 and remains optimistic on its growth strategy. The Company will host a conference call with the investment community on Tuesday, June 15, 2010, during which management will discuss the outlook.

Melt Buttery Spread Positions Toward Market Growth

Melt Buttery Spread, produced by Hailey, Idaho-based Prosperity Organic Foods Inc, is slated for market growth and expansion. With new branding, packaging and the launch of a new website, the company plans to extend into new markets.

Removing Mysterious Sell-By Date From Milk Cartons

For decades, containers of milk sold in New York City have been stamped with two expiration dates: one carrying the dairy industrys recommended sell by date and an earlier one sometimes nearly a week earlier mandated by the city.

Brucellosis & Listeria Cases Linked To Raw Milk In Delaware

The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) has identified simultaneous cases of Brucellosis in a 58 year old female New Castle County resident and Listeriosis in a 44 year old male in Sussex County. These illnesses are both bacterial infections which primarily affect those consuming or coming into contact with contaminated animals or animal products, most commonly the consumption of raw food or dairy products.

Wisconsin’s Raw Milk Ban At Stake In Lawsuits

Wisconsin dairy farmers who believe they have found a way to legally sell raw milk in the state will make their case in court on Tuesday.