Former Procter & Gamble Site May Become Yogurt Manufacturing Plant

January 26, 2010 Industrial Info Resources

Agro-Farma Incorporated, which makes Greek-style yogurt, has set its sights on acquiring a former Procter & Gamble Company site in Norwich, New York, to relocate headquarters and expand manufacturing capacity.

Justice Department Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Dean Foods

January 25, 2010 U.S. Department of Justice

Lawsuit Seeks to Restore Lost Competition in Sale of Milk to School Districts and Retailers in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Dip Into Cabot ‘Superb’ Bowl Party Favorites

January 25, 2010 Cabot Creamery

Cabot Creamery, the Vermont-based, farm family-owned dairy cooperative, has lots of creative and tasty ways to promote healthy food choices and make your party an entertainment event to remember.

Why Kraft’s Singles Push Has A Red-State Kind Of Feel

January 25, 2010 Elaine Wong, Brandweek

Kraft is launching the contestwhich asks consumers to submit a photo and a
short description of what they consider to be the single best thing in their
hometownswith a series of TV spots running on the Disney-owned ABC daytime soap

Organic Family Dairies Being Crushed By Rogue Factory Farms

January 25, 2010 The Cornucopia Institute

Organic dairies are petitioning president Obama, and the White Houses Office of Management and Budget for the swift adoption of new strict rulemaking that will rein in the abuses of a handful of factory farms they claim are violating both the spirit and letter of the federal organic law.