American Floral Endowment Annual Fundraising Dinner September 20

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) will hold its annual fundraising dinner on Thursday, September 20, 2012 in Palm Beach, Fl. The annual fundraising dinner pays tribute to the generous industry members and organizations that have supported AFE. Over 150 industry members are expected to attend the dinner, which will be hosted by Tom Butler, Chairman of Teleflora and AFE’s Board of Trustees and Paul Bachman, of Bachman’s and AFE’s Chairman-Elect.

Colombian Flowers Set To Benefit From FTA With South Korea

Colombia's trade minister says the national flower, meat and fruit sectors will benefit the most from the free trade agreement with South Korea, in an interview with W Radio Friday.

Direct Flights Key To Kenya's Flower Exports

An increase in direct flights between Kenya and most of the Western and Asian countries could largely increase Kenya’s flower exports. Naivasha Horticultural Fair vice chairman Richard McGonnel says Kenya has an untapped market of 350 million people in the United States which is hampered by lack of direct flights.

FloraHolland Regrets Plantion's Decision

June 21, 2012 FloraHolland

It looks like the discussion about the mutual exemption policy between FloraHolland and Plation flower auction would find its way to the Courtroom. This was the choice taken by Plantion. The preference of FloraHolland was always to achieve mutual agreements within the framework of collaboration; this step would harm this way of doing business.

ProEcuador To Open Office At Miami Free Zone

ProEcuador, an office for the promotion of export and investment from Ecuador, announced the opening of an office at the Miami Free Zone. ProEcuador was established by the Ecuadorian Chancellory as a public institution committed to the development of business and new commercial opportunities for the country’s businesses, exporters and producers. In 2011, the top imports from Ecuador were fresh-cut flowers, live crustaceans and fish fillets.