Outlook Grim As Bay Area Crab Season Opens

After a statewide haul of nearly 11.5 million pounds of Dungeness over the 1997-98 season, the fishery slipped into gradual decline.

Early Season Bay Scallop Prices Slump

Retail prices in the $13-$14 per pound range this week mark an increase from lows of $11 per pound 10 days ago.

Safeway Offers iPura From Global Food Technologies

The world’s first food safety brand, iPura, was designed to provide greater control over the processing and distribution phases by implementing proprietary extraordinary precautions.

New Polls Highlight Need To Update U.S. Food Safety System

November 19, 2009 Science Daily

The Make Our Food Safe coalition believes the Senate can take a major step forward in protecting public health by passing legislation that gives the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enhanced authority to oversee the safety of the nation’s food supply by the end of this year.

Frugal Consumers Return To Home Base

November 19, 2009 The Nielsen Company

Financially savvy consumers look to grocery stores, supercenters and club stores to save on deli items and other items with little prep work, according to a new Nielsen report.