Health Benefits Of Eating Eggs

For many years, eggs have had a bad press. Depending on what you read, eggs were either going to give you salmonella food poisoning, or a heart attack by sending your cholesterol levels through the roof. Put simply, as far as some nutritionists were concerned, eggs were devils in shells. These days, eggs, when eaten in moderation, are said to be good for you. These are just some of the health benefits of eating eggs.

Good for your eyes

Eggs contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for the eyes. These carotenoids are more easily assimilated into the body from eggs than from other foods. Eating one egg a day could help to prevent macular degeneration, which is the biggest cause of blindness in adults, and cataracts. There is more lutein in eggs than in spinach, which was previously advocated as a good source of lutein.

Good for hair and nails

Eggs contain sulphur and vitamin B12, both of which are good for hair growth and nail growth and strength. If you suffer from hair loss, eat an egg every day to boost natural growth.

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