LA FARGE, Wis. — After a long year indoors and with the arrival of spring, Organic Valley is launching a month-long challenge to inspire families to get outside and moving again. With multiple proven benefits of walking outdoors,* Organic Valley’s “#MOOving Outside Challenge” highlights the activity dairy cows Ramona, Raina, Hollywood, Laurel and Val take on a daily basis in an inspirational and light-hearted way to motivate families.
The dairy cows of Prairie Star Farm in Waukon, IA, spend a majority of their spring days outside, and an average of almost four hours of active time outside each day moving, walking, romping and stretching.
“Our cows average 50 percent more time outside than is required by the USDA Organic standards. We believe Ramona, Raina, Hollywood, Laurel and Val should live how nature intended – outside grazing on fresh, organic green pasture,” said John Palmer, owner, Prairie Star Farm, Waukon, IA. “When our cows are enjoying the outside, they are happier, and healthier. That is the same for me and my family, when we’re outside walking in the fresh air with our herd, we know it’s better for our health and happiness.”
The “#MOOving Outside Challenge ” runs from May 1 – May 30, 2021, with prizes totaling more than $2,000, including a grand prize featuring a year’s worth of Organic Valley products and four weekly challenges with grocery giveaways. To enter the challenge, visit https://www.organicvalley.coop/promotions/giveaway. No purchase is required.
In addition to challenge giveaways, Organic Valley will be hosting a livestream on May 18 direct from Prairie Star Farm. Host John Palmer and family will talk about farm life and introduce some of the stars of the challenge including Hollywood (she loves being in the spotlight) and Laurel (she is always curious and will want to check out the conversation). Livestreams will be held @OrganicValley on Instagram and Facebook.
About Organic Valley
Organic Valley is America’s largest cooperative of organic farmers and one of the nation’s leading organic brands. Founded in 1988, the cooperative represents more than 1,700 farmers in 34 U.S. states, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Focused on its founding mission of saving family farms through organic farming, Organic Valley produces a wide range of organic dairy, egg and produce products. As a leader in pasture-based, regenerative organic farming, Organic Valley works with nature, not against it. For more information visit www.organicvalley.coop. Organic Valley is also @OrganicValley on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.