Tracy, Calif. – With families balancing work and at-home or modified school schedules, starting the day off right has become more important than ever. To help encourage families to cherish shared moments at the breakfast table, Real California Milk has created a new digital series of short stories for children. These Breakfast Time Stories, starring lovable animated characters, will launch and be available in English and Spanish on April 24 at: realcaliforniamilk.com/BreakfastStories.
Breakfast Time Stories include:
- “The Chipmunk Who Was Raised by Wolves” / “La Ardilla Que Fue Criada Por Lobos”
- “Burt, The Busiest Bear” / “Oscar, El Oso Ocupado”
- “Shelly Shellbert, Loner Turtle” / “Soledad Caparazón, La Tortuga Solitaria”
To celebrate the launch, California’s dairy farm families are partnering with Emmy winning host of Access Hollywood, actor and dad Mario Lopez for an Instagram LIVE reading event Saturday, April 24th at 10:30 a.m. PT. During the event, families across the country will be able to join Lopez on his Instagram page as he reads the story of Charlie, “The Chipmunk Who Was Raised by Wolves” in English and Spanish.
“As a father of three kids, I know how important it is to sit down together for a healthy breakfast, which isn’t always easy,” said Mario Lopez. “Real California Milk’s Breakfast Books are such a great tool to get everyone to take a moment to start the day off on the right foot nutritionally and as a family unit.”
“We developed these simple, sweet breakfast stories for families to enjoy while kicking off the day with a healthy breakfast together,” says Jennifer Giambroni, VP of Communications at Real California Milk. “More time at breakfast means more time with dairy, which plays an essential role at the heart of many breakfast favorites, from cereal and milk and buttered toast to yogurt smoothies and cheesy eggs.”
The Breakfast Time Stories were written in collaboration with Deutsch LA creative directors Trevor Kuhn, Justin Lesinski and Ryan Wolin, and illustrated by global artists Flavio Remontti, Dmytro Hladkyi and Nathan Joyce. Each one follows a relatable creature as they learn the value of community and bringing their loved ones together through the power of breakfast. Presented digitally using dynamic “scrollytelling” technology, the books allow readers to scroll through charming illustrations to activate engaging animations.
The initiative is an extension of Real California Milk’s “The Day Can Wait” creative campaign, which showcases how breakfast with family and friends can start the day on a positive step before the demands of everyday life intrude.
California is the nation’s leading milk producer and is responsible for producing more butter, ice cream and nonfat dry milk than any other state. The state is the second-largest producer of cheese and yogurt. California milk and dairy foods can be identified by the Real California Milk seal, which certifies they are made exclusively with milk from the state’s dairy farm families.
About Real California Milk/California Milk Advisory Board
The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB), an instrumentality of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, is funded by the state’s dairy farm families who lead the nation in sustainable dairy farming practices. With a vision to nourish the world with the wholesome goodness of Real California Milk, the CMAB’s programs focus on increasing demand for California’s sustainable dairy products in the state, across the U.S. and around the world through advertising, public relations, research, and retail and foodservice promotional programs. For more information and to connect with the CMAB, visit RealCaliforniaMilk.com, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
Learn more about ways Real California dairy can make breakfast special at https://www.realcaliforniamilk.com/better-breakfast and find recipes from Burt, Charlie and Shelly to enjoy with your family.