Associations Recognized For Long Commitment To Consumer Food Safety Education

Atlanta, GA Seven associations were recognized for more than 10 years of participation and $2.5 million in cumulative contributions to the nonprofit US Partnership for Food Safety Education (the Partnership) at the 2010 Food Safety Education Conference.

The associations honored are the American Egg Board, American Dietetic Association, Food Marketing Institute Foundation, National Chicken Council, National Pork Board, National Turkey Federation and Produce Marketing Association.

The Partnership has developed several education campaigns, including:

Fight BAC! teaches the four core safe food handling practices: Clean hands and surfaces often; Separate to avoid cross-contamination; Cook food to safe internal temperatures as measured with a food thermometer; and Chill – refrigerate foods promptly.

Be Food Safe developed by the Partnership to involve retailers in consumer food safety education. The program complements USDAs Be Food Safe campaign.

Source: Partnership for Food Safety Education