MODESTO, CALIF. – In celebration of its 20th anniversary as award-winning cheesemakers Fiscalini Farmstead unveils its eagerly anticipated new brand identity to cast a bold vision for its future. Enveloped in sophistication with a new logo, packaging and website, the Fiscalini Farmstead brand draws upon its family lineage of four-generations of California dairy farming.
“It is our mission to share our story and taste experience with the world,” says Laura Genasci, fourth-generation family member. While anyone that has enjoyed their handcrafted cheeses is a big fan of the taste they have shared, not many know the family story that began over 100 years ago on the same soil they call home to this day.
Fiscalini Farmstead was established as a dairy farm in 1914 by John Baptiste who immigrated from Switzerland and settled in Modesto, California. Almost 100 years later in the year 2000, his grandson John Brian added a cheesemaking facility to the family farm and began crafting some of the best-tasting cheeses in the world. Today the fourth-generation owners, dairy management team, and master cheesemakers take pride in sharing this tradition with consumers worldwide.
The Fiscalini Family’s commitment to their land, animals, and family tradition remains top priority. “We push forward, are innovative in our approach, and adapt to change just as my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather did,” says current owner Brian Fiscalini.
Sustainable farming is a time-honored practice that has been passed down for generations and their devotion to give back to the community and future generations remains unmatched:
- By converting traditional waste products into renewable resources, they produce enough electricity to power their facility and 300 neighboring homes.
- Use of only fresh milk from their cows ensures consistent, high-quality cheese production.
- Additionally, careful control over their animals, feed, and the land that they farm also contributes to their consistent high-quality product with over 70% of the feed provided to their herd grown on their farmland, and use of all-natural recycled waste for fertilizer.
Here’s to celebrating a twenty-year legacy of time-honored tradition. Check out Fiscalini’s delicious selection of artisanal cheeses and sampler sets online at fiscalinifarmstead.com/collections
From our land, hands, and hearts to your table, we are grateful to see our family’s cheesemaking tradition bringing your family and friends together, time after time.
For more information on Fiscalini Farmstead, please visit fiscalinifarmstead.com, follow us on Facebook, or call 800-610-FARM.
Founded in 1914 by John Baptiste who immigrated from Switzerland, Fiscalini Farmstead started as a dairy farm. In the year 2000, the dairy Farmstead expanded to include an onsite cheesemaking facility. Today the fourth-generation owns and operates the business, carrying forward the preservation of their land, animals, and resources to produce the best-tasting, award-winning cheeses in the world. Fiscalini Farmstead is in Modesto, California on the same land where their story began over 100 years ago. The family remains focused on the tradition of handcrafted cheesemaking, their commitment to the community and the legacy for future generations. To learn more about Fiscalini Farmstead, visit fiscalinifarmstead.com