AFE Accepting Applications For Two MS/Ph.D. Scholarships

ALEXANDRIA, VA –  The American Floral Endowment (AFE) is accepting applications for the Altman Family Scholarship and the Paul Ecke, Jr. Scholarship.

Their application deadlines are Feb. 1, 2018.

Applicants must be in the process of successfully completing either a bachelor's or master's degree in horticulture or a related field (e.g., agricultural engineering, entomology, agricultural marketing and economics, plant pathology, etc.) and must have the intention of pursuing an MS or Ph.D. degree on a full-time basis.These merit-based, prestigious scholarships are for graduate students who have the skills and passion to become leading floricultural scientists and educators.

Applicants attending land-grant universities will automatically be considered for the Paul Ecke, Jr. Scholarship. All others will qualify for the Altman Family Scholarship.

The Altman Family Scholarship was established by Ken and Deena Altman — owners of Altman Plants — who support numerous efforts to improve education and research for the industry.

They are highly appreciative of the field of horticulture and established the Center for Applied Horticultural Research as an effort to help the industry.

One student will be awarded $5,000 for one year, although the same person may receive it a second year should their application score the highest.

"I believe, if given the right tools and earned support, I can work with others to help make this industry better and more efficient than it was yesterday," said 2017 Altman recipient Travis Higginbotham.

He was concerned about the future of floriculture and recognized that innovative researchers and educators are necessary for the continued success of the industry.The Paul Ecke, Jr. Scholarship honors the late Paul Ecke, Jr., who made significant contributions to the floriculture industry and believed strongly in research and education.

One student will receive $5,000 for two consecutive years, providing that they continue to meet requirements for this duration and submit an annual update.

"I want to use my passion for the horticulture industry to impact others," said 2017 Ecke recipient Kaylee South.

Students must apply online on or before Feb. 1, 2018 at

About AFE 

The American Floral Endowment is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the floriculture and horticulture industry through funding research, educational grants and scholarships. Since 1961, more than $15 million has been funded in research and educational projects, and more than $2 million has been funded in scholarships and internships designed to attract and retain the future leaders of the industry. To learn more about AFE or make a tax-deductible contribution, visit

Source: The American Floral Endowment