All America Selections: Winning Flowers for Mother’s Day

Give mom a gift that provides beauty all season long with minimal care. A basket, container or garden bed filled with these award-winning annuals is sure to generate a smile and enjoyment all summer long.

If mom likes to garden, provide her with a few seeds, potting mix, and a container. Include a few new varieties of traditional favorites.  Marigold Super Hero Spry is a compact French marigold with 2” dark maroon and golden yellow flowers. The striking bicolor blooms top 10- to 12-inch-tall plants. Best of all, mom will have flowers eight weeks from the time she sows the seeds until frost. Or, surprise her with a container of instant beauty. The 2017 All-America Selections (AAS) winner Calliope® Medium Dark Red is beautiful alone or mixed with other flowers in containers, hanging baskets or in-ground gardens.  It was selected by AAS for its outstanding performance for home gardens.

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