Deliflor Chrysanten Introduces Rossano Lime

Disbudded chrysanthemum Rossano already has many colour variations. This well-known family of strong flowers will now be extended with a new colour: Rossano Lime. A white decorative flower with beautiful green edges on the petals, similar to pink Rossano Charlotte and orange Rossano Elizabeth. Rossano Lime will be added to the extensive assortment of top grower Aad Persoon, who also supplies Rossano, Rossano Charlotte, Rossano Elizabeth, Rosssano Orange and Rossano Dark. Supply of Rossano Lime starts as of Tuesday September 29.

  • Grower: Aad Persoon
  • Amounts: 5.000 stems per week
  • VBN-code: 119547

NEW! Check out this novelty in 3D!