Deligreen, the New Green Pompon by Deliflor

Deligreen, the eagerly awaited new green pompon by Deliflor, will be available as of August 21 (week 34). With its deep green colour, strong leave quality, good transportation qualities and excellent vase life, this novelty meets all requirements. Deligreen has it all to become an absolute top variety in the green chrysanthemum range.

Deliflor has made a beautiful brochure to show the versatile options of Deligreen, with images of arrangements for every month of the year. Do you wish to receive this brochure? Ask Deliflor or check the online edition on our website.

  • Grower: Linflowers
  • Amounts: 40.000 stems per week                
  • VBN-code: 123297

NEW! Check out this novelty in 3D!