IJsselstein — Like several other trade shows, Four Oaks could not take place as a physical show this year. That’s why the organization has chosen to organise a virtual show. In the online environment of Four Oaks, visitors could vote for the top 12 best new introductions of 2020 and Echinacea Pretty Parasols (‘JSEngeltje’PBR) was the favourite and received the most public votes.
This rating is certainly not misplaced, for Echinacea Pretty Parasols is a beautiful perennial with flowers that do indeed resemble little umbrellas. Pretty Parasols is easy to maintain. This Echinacea requires little maintenance and holds up well in wind, cold, heat and sun. Pretty Parasols has strong stems and does not fall open. It has a long and rich flowering period from July to November. The flowers appear one after the other so that they do not open all at once. They also appear at different heights which gives a ‘wild’ appearance. There are several flowers on a stem. Echinacea Pretty Parasols becomes about 90 cm high and 50 cm wide and is great for landscaping, perennial borders and for in a pot on balcony or terrace. Pretty Parasols is hardy to -25 ºC. A deserved winner!
Echinacea Pretty Parasols is protected by European Plants Breeders’ Rights and was found by Spruyt Select GCV from Buggenhout, Belgium and is being represented by Plantipp BV from IJsselstein, the Netherlands.
In eighth place is Hydrangea arborescens Candybelle® Bubblegum (‘GRHYAR1407’PBR), also a protected variety represented by Plantipp. This is also no small achievement and a nice appreciation for breeder Guido Rouwette from Valkenburg. Hydrangea Candybelle® Bubblegum has large flower heads with pink flowers. The flowering time is from July to September. The foliage has a healthy green colour and a bronze hue. This Candybelle® Bubblegum has very firm branches and a compact growth. Candybelle® Bubblegum becomes about 90 cm high and 80 cm wide. Candybelle® Bubblegum is hardy to -25 ºC.
About Plantipp
Plantipp is specialized in royalty management and represents breeders of ornamental plants worldwide. Currently, about 600 varieties are managed and promoted by Plantipp in Europe, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, China, Japan, Israel and South Africa. Plantipp has a passion for plants and respects its breeders. More information on the mentioned varieties can be found on our website www.plantipp.eu.