Louisiana Florist Licensing And The Right To Work

Licensing everything from florists to lawyers interferes with the freedom to
make a living and harms consumers by limiting competition and protecting
established firms.

The people of Louisiana must sleep soundly knowing that their state protects
them from … unlicensed florists.

That’s right. In Louisiana, you can’t sell flower arrangements unless you have
permission from the government. How do you get permission? You must pass a test
that is graded by a board of florists who already have licenses. To prepare for
the test, you might have to spend $2,000 on a special course.

The test requires knowledge of techniques that florists rarely use anymore. One
question asks the name of the state’s agriculture commissioner — as though you
can’t be a good florist without knowing that piece of vital information.

The licensing board defends its test, claiming it protects consumers from
florists who might sell them unhealthy flowers. I understand the established
florists’ wish to protect their profession’s reputation, but in practice such
licensing laws mainly serve to limit competition. Making it harder for newcomers
to open florist shops lets established florists hog the business.

To read the rest of this story please go to:

FOX News.com