Mayesh is Searching for its 2023 Mayesh Design Star

Every year more and more florists are becoming aware of the environmental impact of their industry, and many are choosing to use sustainable methods and practices in their own businesses. A rare few are striving to approach 100% sustainability, but this is a difficult discipline to practice and maintain. At Mayesh we feel a responsibility to present our customers with information on philosophies, methods, techniques, and hacks that are environmentally friendly and sustainable. By sharing this content within our community, we believe that with each small step, incremental change, and provocative idea, we will all contribute to bringing about the changes our planet desperately needs.

With that said, we are adding a focus on sustainable design practices to our 2023 Mayesh Design Star series! Some things are more obvious than others, like replacing foam with chickenwire, but we want to see more! We are not looking for perfection, but rather the innovative & clever ways you are practicing floristry in sustainable ways.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Mayesh