MGGC was asked to testify on the effects of the Governor’s EO’s on the greenhouse industry by the Chair of the House Agriculture at a joint meeting of the Agriculture and Commerce committees on June 23rd.
Chris Schwartz and I gave an overview of the problems that were created by the EO and the lack of information we received on when and if our retail outlets would be able to sell the products that were ready to be shipped. We also brought up the fact that Michigan was an outlier in the nation in not recognizing that greenhouses and retail sales were essential services like all but one state did.
The Spring/ Easter plant problems were brought up with the fact that greenhouses were essential but retail was not created a huge problem for the greenhouses that specialized in these products. MGGC’s communication and media campaign was brought up as our successful answer to getting the Governor to relax the shutdown on retail sales for the industry and keeping our retailers from having more of a crisis season. Several of the lawmakers commented on the quality of the presentation by Chris. Thank you and great job Chris!
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Michigan Greenhouse Growers Council