Monrovia Creates Drought-Tolerant Gardening Guide

Azusa, California – Hot and dry summer weather has many areas of the country experiencing drought. Western states are hardest hit, with at least 55% currently facing extreme or exceptional drought conditions.

Monrovia’s new Low Water, High Beauty guidebook offers beautiful landscape solutions for gardeners challenged by dry conditions. It is loaded with water-smart tips, myth-busting information, and a curated list of drought-tolerant plants. Geared toward Western gardeners, the guidebook offers facts and suggestions that are relevant to anyone, no matter where you live.

“Creating a water-wise landscape is important to many gardeners,” says Katie Tamony, chief marketing officer at Monrovia. “We developed this guide to help Western gardeners make thoughtful choices, but the ideas and plant selections can help anyone facing dry conditions make the most of their landscapes.”

The Low Water, High Beauty guidebook is a great resource for story ideas and water-wise insights. Please feel free to share it with your readers:

About Monrovia
Inspired by the beauty of plants, gardens, and landscapes everywhere, Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. founded Monrovia in 1926 to be a premier grower of shrubs and trees. Monrovia collaborates with plant breeders around the world to introduce improved plant varieties to North America. Monrovia plants flourish once planted to beautify gardens and landscapes. Please visit to learn more.