Pleasant View Gardens’ New ColorSmart Perennial & Shrub Color Guide Brings the Color

Everyone knows the importance of color in the horticulture business. Especially retailers, who understand that plants in color draw much more consumer attention and fly off the benches at a much higher pace.

This is a big a deal when you’re talking about annuals but what about perennials and shrubs? What happens to those costly inventories that aren’t at their peak? The ones that aren’t selling as quickly? Unfortunately, as many retailers have seen for themselves, those perennials and shrubs are destined for deep discount pricing or the compost pile.

To help garden centers in New England and surrounding states, Pleasant View Gardens (PVG) came up with a more intelligent approach: The ColorSmart® Perennial & Shrub Program, which keeps garden centers stocked with fast-selling, in-color plants throughout the season. In short, ColorSmart provides bulked 1-, 2-, and 3-gallon perennials and shrubs cracking with color in seasonal blocks. All cultivated for perfectly timed color to reduce shrink, increase retail turns, and bring back hugely satisfied customers.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Pleasant View Gardens