Pretty Petunias That Take the Heat

Are you looking for reliable, easy-care color for the landscape this summer? Look for new and improved petunias that tolerate the heat. Petunias of the past couldn’t handle the heat, but newer varieties have improved tolerance.

The LSU AgCenter Louisiana Super Plants program has promoted two such improved varieties. First is the Supertunia Vista Bubblegum petunia. This is one of the best-performing petunias in the landscape. In trials at the LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station, Supertunia Vista Bubblegum was a top performer. The flowers are bright pink and prolific.

Supertunia Vista Mini Indigo is also a Louisiana Super Plant selection. Featuring smaller blooms, Supertunia Vista Mini Indigo adds a splash of deep purple to the landscape. Another great petunia I am particularly fond of is a new release for 2022: the Capella Hello Yellow. This is a true yellow — not a typical color for petunias. Pair it with the indigo and you have a great purple and gold combination.

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