Rockwell Farms, NC Participates In MPS

Rockwell Farms, of Rockwell, NC has begun participation in the MPS-ABC Environmental Certification Program. Cobey Abramowski explains that their customers were the reason why she and her father Tom decided to begin the certification process. “Our customers are grocery chains, and they are interested in buying local and buying products that are grown responsibly. We examined the MPS-ABC program and although most of our customers haven’t yet heard of it, it is great for us to be working toward certification and be able to tell our customers what we are doing”.

Rockwell Farms began operations in 1979 with both Tom and Dottie Abramowski actively growing bedding plants. The business has expanded to over 30 acres of production, with bedding plants, garden mums and poinsettias filling most of this acreage. Their MPS-ABC score will be a comparison to other growers of these crops in similar environmental zones. The MPS system keeps all growers information private and secure, but Cobey likes the fact that it is regulated and controlled by people in the Floricultural Industry. Having once gone through the demanding tasks to grow certified USDA Organic herbs, she finds the MPS-ABC system easy to complete and implement. Grower inquiries

MPS is proud to have quality growers such as Rockwell Farms in their program and welcomes grower inquiries in North America to their east coast coordinator, Sandy Hering at (508) 758-3008, or their west coast coordinator, Charlotte Smit at (805)

Source: MPS