Royal FloraHolland Members' Council Meeting Is Focus Of Second Episode Of Documentary Series

In this documentary series we provide a peek behind the scenes at the pilot Members' Council. In the second episode, the topic is the Members' Council meeting.

In this episode, Royal FloraHolland member Job van Egmond examines the relationship of the pilot Members' Council with the MT and the Supervisory Board. He visits a Members' Council meeting and interviews two members of the pilot Members' Council and Steven van Schilfgaarde and Jack Goossens.

Documentary series

In this mini-documentary series you learn all about the Members' Council.  We are creating this series because many members stated during the consultation sessions in February and March that they wanted more information about the Members' Council. How does it work in practice, and what does a Members' Council mean exactly for members? In six episodes, two members of Royal FloraHolland go behind the scenes at the pilot Members' Council and question those involved.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Royal FloraHolland