Seven Types Of Customers When It Comes To Plants And Flowers

The Dutch Product Board for Horticulture has identified seven different types of customers with an interest in buying flowers and/or plants. These seven categories are the outcome of recent research into the matter, which the Flower Council of Holland intends to utilize as a basis for their marketing strategy in the future.

The research took place in The Netherlands, Germany, France, The United Kingdom and the northern part of Italy. It was commissioned by the Flower Council of Holland, and carried out by experts from the Dutch Product Board for Horticulture. Its primary aim was to get an accurate picture of ‘the customer’, so that floral products may be catered to them in a more tailor-made manner.

The seven groups sport such fascinating titles as the ‘Cultivated Performer’, the ‘Cosiness Seeker’, the ‘Naturalistic Intellectual, the ‘Individualistic Performer’, the ‘Traditional Carer’, the ‘Conventional Smartshopper’ and the ‘Disinterested’. The first two may be seen as the most important, as they together encompass more than half of all spending on flowers and living room plants.

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