Bogotá – From September 8 to October 8, more than 20 floriculture experts from Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, the Netherlands, and Mexico will come together for one of the sector’s most important technical gatherings.
The event, organized by Asocolflores Regional Antioquia and its Center for Innovation in Colombian Floriculture, Ceniflores, in association with Expoflores of Ecuador, will feature 33 talks examining subjects including:
- Sustainability;
- Management, leadership, and innovation;
- Security, occupational health, and human resource management;
- Technical matters related to flower growing.
According to Augusto Solano, president of Asocolflores, “This is the eighth iteration of Siflor. And this year, for the first time, the whole event will take place virtually. We have built a robust platform exclusively for the event. The platform will be open not only to companies and smallholders affiliated with Asocolflores, but to all companies, producers, and academics. I want to emphasis that students can attend for free as long as they can provide proof of enrollment.
This event will bring together not only Colombian and international flower producers, but also many members of the flower supply chain.
We recognize we face big challenges, but our actions are aimed at meeting the goals of Agenda 2030, signed between Asocolflores and the government of Colombia last February. Siflor will be crucial to this effort, giving us a chance to discuss emergent needs and trends in floriculture. At the same time, it will help us identify and reach out to new markets and meet our strategic objective of increasing flower exports,” noted Solano.
The technical and academic agenda will take place every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday over the five weeks of the event. You can check the schedule of other activities at siflor.com