CANBY, Ore. – Terra Nova Nurseries, a global leader in plant breeding and genetics, today released a list of its popular and trend-based varieties for landscape and garden applications for 2021. The breeding team at Terra Nova selected the top varieties for 20 specific applications based on each plant’s traits, characteristics, how they were bred, and their ability to solve problems in the landscape and garden. The staff-curated variety list was developed to address specific growing needs and landscape solutions, providing a resource and purchasing guide for growers, retailers, and ultimately, consumers.
Terra Nova specifically selected its top 10 “Easy-to-Grow Perennials” for 2021 to help new gardeners succeed. Selected varieties include Agastache ‘Kudos Red’, Agastache POQUITO ‘Butter Yellow’, Echinacea KISMET ‘White’, Heuchera ‘Paris’, Heuchera FOREVER ‘Purple’, Heuchera GRANDE ‘Amethyst’, Penstemon DAKOTA ‘Verde’, Sedum ‘Dark Magic’, Tiarella ‘Spring Symphony’, and the Thalictrum NIMBUS Series.
The company’s newest list of “Top Garden Performers” comprises Brunnera ‘Alexander’s Great’, Coreopsis ‘Citrine’, Heuchera FOREVER Purple, Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE Black, Heucherella ‘Sweet Tea’, Leucanthemum ‘Goldfinch’, Pulmonaria ‘Trevi Fountain’, and several others.
Terra Nova’s latest list for landscapes and gardens needing “Vigorous Varieties” includes Agastache POQUITO Butter Yellow, Echinacea KISMET White, the Begonia SILVER Series, the Begonia T REX Series, and more.
Varieties selected by Terra Nova for2021 “Unique Foliage” include Acanthus ‘Whitewater’, Begonia SILVER Treasure, Begonia T REX ‘St. Nick’, Heuchera FOREVER Purple, Heuchera FOREVER Red, Podophyllum ‘Spotty Dotty’, and Rodgersia ‘Bronze Peacock’.
Best “Shade Perennials” identified by the global plant breeder are Ajuga ‘Blueberry Muffin’, Dicentra ‘Ruby Gold’, Helleborus NORTH STAR ‘Plum’, Heuchera ‘Georgia Peach’, Pulmonaria ‘Raspberry Splash’, and many others.
Terra Nova’s “Best Plants for Beds and Borders” include Artemisia MAKANA Silver, Echinacea PRIMA Ginger, Heuchera GRANDE Amethyst, Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE Amber, Leucanthemum ‘Luna’, Thalictrum NIMBUS Pink, Tiarella ‘Spring Symphony’, just to name a few.
Top “Deer-Resistant” varieties from Terra Nova include Echinacea KISMET Intense Orange, Kniphofia ‘Poco Red’, Pulmonaria ‘Raspberry Splash’, Sedum ‘Peach Pearls’, and more.
The global breeder’s topplants with “Textural Foliage” are Actaea ‘Black Negligee’, Coleus NOVA ‘Mad Medusa’, Coleus TERRA NOVA ‘Monkey Puzzle’, Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’, Heuchera ‘Lime Ruffles’, Heuchera ‘Zipper’, and others.
Terra Nova identified its “Top Combination Plants”, which include Veronica ‘Aztec Gold’, Heuchera ‘Red Lightning’, Verbascum ‘Dark Eyes’, Begonia T REX ‘Painter’s Palette’, the Begonia COCOA Series, the Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES Series, the Heuchera FOREVER Series, the Kniphofia POCO Series, and the Agastache POQUITO Series.
Therecent top picks of “Perennials for Full Sun” include Echinacea CARA MIA Yellow, Echinacea KISMET Intense Orange, Geum TEMPO Orange, Heuchera ‘Obsidian’, Leucanthemum ‘Luna’, Sedum ‘Dark Magic’, and many others.
The company’s 2021 recommendations for “Fast-Growing Flowers” are Agastache ‘Morello’, Coreopsis ‘Desert Coral’, Echinacea PRIMA Ruby, Geum TEMPO Rose, Heuchera ‘Paris’, Leucanthemum ‘Coconut’, Penstemon ‘Cha Cha Purple’, and Verbascum ‘Dark Eyes’.
Varieties selected as the best “Long Bloomers” includeAgastache POQUITO Lavender, Coreopsis ‘Ruby Frost’, Echinacea CARA MIA Yellow, Geum PRETTICOATS Peach, Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES ‘Shimmer’, Kniphofia ‘Poco Orange’, and Penstemon ‘Cha Cha Pink’.
Terra Nova chose its popular Agastache KUDOS Series and Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE Series for having the best “Disease-Resistant” varieties.
Top “Pollinator Attractors” specified by Terra Nova areAgastache POQUITO Orange, Echinacea ‘Fragrant Angel’, Kniphofia ‘Poco Sunset’, Penstemon ‘Cha Cha Cherry’, Thalictrum NIMBUS White, Veronica VESPERS Blue, and more.
Terra Nova’s top “Butterfly attractors” for 2021 include Agastache ‘Blue Boa’, Agastache POQUITO Lavender, Echinacea KISMET Red, and Echinacea ‘Leilani’.
The selected “Hummingbird Attractors” are Heuchera ‘Paris’, Fatsia ‘Spider’s Web’, Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES ‘Shimmer’, the Agastache POQUITO Series, the Kniphofia POPSICLE Series, and the Penstemon CHA CHA Series.
“Variegated Plants” of special note includeAcanthus ‘Whitewater’, Fatsia ‘Spider’s Web’, Heuchera ‘Galaxy’, and Heuchera ‘Midnight Rose’.
Terra Nova’s2021 “Best Plants for Hanging Baskets” are Heucherella ‘Plum Cascade’, Nepeta ‘Purple Haze’, Coleus FLYING CARPET ‘Fire Mountain’, Coleus COLOR CLOUDS ‘Be Mine’, Coleus TERRA NOVA ‘Electric Slide’, the Begonia COCOA Series, the Begonia DAYSTAR Series, among numerous others.
The company’s “Top Container Plants” include Fatsia ‘Spider’s Web’, Rodgersia ‘Bronze Peacock’, Sedum ‘Double Martini’, Tiarella ‘Pink Skyrocket’, the Geum TEMPO Series, the Plectranthus VELVET Series, and several others.
Terra Nova’sbreeding and marketing teams top-listed the “Hardiest Plants” for the garden, including Bergenia ‘Pink Dragonfly’, Brunnera ‘Alexander’s Great’, Dicentra ‘Ruby Gold’, Echinacea KISMET Raspberry, Helleborus NORTH STAR ‘Pink’, Mukgenia NOVA ‘Flame’, Penstemon DAKOTA Burgundy, Pulmonaria ‘Raspberry Splash’, Sedum ‘Dark Magic’, and the Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE Series.