The State Of Florists 2009

This year has seen a perfect storm of events in the retail flower business,
which is evidenced by an unprecedented number of florists closing their doors
and a decline in sales across the industry that has impacted all florists.

We are still reeling from the effects of a recession, which has much to do with
the decline, but it is only part of the story. Sales declines for other types of
retailers have averaged less than 10 percent, and anecdotal evidence indicates
that many florists have experienced declines of 15 percent and more. My sources
report that wire-service membership is down 20 percent in 2009 alone, and
florists have seen their share of the overall floral market decline from nearly
100 percent to less than 50 percent over three decades. Currently, Internet
competition continues to gain market share and further reduce the florists

The graph below, courtesy of Ira Silvergleit, director of Research and
Information at the Society of American Florists (SAF), shows a 28 percent
decline in the number of flower shops from the peak in 1992 to 2007. (This chart
represents only traditional flower shops and does not include supermarket and
mass-market florists.)

To read the rest of this story please go to:

Florists’ Review