(Santiago, Chile) Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that has affected Chile and the rest of the world, and in order to comply with the regulations of the Chilean Ministry of Health, the Agricultural Water Summit has been rescheduled to September 7th, 2021. The location will still be the Hotel Sun Monticello Conference Center in San Francisco de Mostazal, close to the capital Santiago.
“We thank all the event’s participants for their continued support during these unprecedented times,” said Gustavo Yentzen, Chairman of Yentzen Group, which is organizing the event.
“The health and safety of our attendees is paramount, as is organizing a world-class event that will provide real value to all attendees and their organizations.”
Fostering multisectoral cooperation through both public and private organizations in order to bring about new and meaningful responses to the water crisis is an imperative of the event.
The Agricultural Water Summit will be a meeting point not only for the agricultural industry and related entities in Chile, but also for international experts who will come together to share their experience with using innovative techniques and farm management styles to limit the impacts of drought on horticultural operations.
Never before in the history of the agricultural industry has the need for an event like the Agricultural Water Summit been so great.
For tickets, booths, sponsorship opportunities and more information, please visit www.agwatersummit.com/