Grocery Delivery Sales up 60%, FreshDirect CEO Says, Calling his Employees ‘First Responders’

Fresh Direct, founded in 1999 to deliver groceries and fresh food to New Yorkers, has suddenly become an essential service amid the social lockdown resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

CEO David McInerney, one of FreshDirect’s co-founders, told MarketWatch that activity is up 60% compared to a year ago. Customers are “stocking up,” he said, not hoarding. And while McInernery declined to give specifics, he did say the company is making some adjustments to pay for its delivery workers, whom he likens to first responders just like public safety officials.

What’s in customers’ shopping carts? Lots of products that probably indicate households are engaging in what the company calls “longer cooking projects”, such as curry powder, whole cloves, active dry yeast, meat and seafood. “It also looks like customers are looking to recreate some of their favorite dining out or travel experiences at home in lieu of being able to go out,” a spokesperson said. “This includes fine cheeses and bagels. Within the adult beverage department, Vodka is growing very fast.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Market Watch