Farmed Salmon From Ocean Beauty Raises Eyebrows, Sparks Discussion

A Bristol Bay resident on vacation in the Lower 48 last week was surprised to pick up a package of Ocean Beauty Seafoods Cajun smoked salmon and find on the back the words “Farm Raised, Product of Chile.”

Ocean Beauty Seafoods — a major player in the U.S. seafood market — is half owned by the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corp., a nonprofit community development corporation that provides jobs, training and educational opportunities to eligible residents of Bristol Bay. The corporation ­– founded in 1992 as the Community Development Quota holder — is also charged with providing economic development tools and resources for communities in the region — particularly in relation to fisheries.

So a company half-owned by Bristol Bay fishermen selling farmed salmon products was a surprise to some, especially fishermen who remember the price dive Alaska salmon took in the ’90s as farmed fish began flooding the market.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Alaska Dispatch