Scarce Bluefin Tuna Remains Popular

In 1976, Bill the Fish Guy Dugan was strolling around Cape Cod, striking up conversations with fishermen. Onea gentleman who was running Fishermans Wharfstarted telling Dugan about bluefin tuna. We have a few weeks here where were just lousy with them, the fisherman told Dugan. He was hoping Dugan might be able to sell some of that surplus.

Dugan took the fisherman up on his offer and immediately had success. I made so much money off these things in such a brief period of time, he remembers. It was like legal drug dealing. But now Duganwho runs the Fish Guy on the Northwest Sidewont go near the stuff. To him, the environmental impact isnt worth it.

Seafood Watch has declared bluefin tuna a fish to avoid and points out that all populations of bluefin tuna are being caught faster than they can reproduce. The depleted population was the motivation behind last months proposed export ban on Atlantic bluefin, which was voted on last month at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (it didnt pass). With bluefin in the news, SushiSamba announced it would stop serving bluefin in all of its seven restaurants.

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