Driscoll’s and Think Beyond Plastic Foundation Announce Winners of Inaugural Ag Plastics Innovation Challenge

July 13, 2022 Driscoll’s

Driscoll’s and industry partners announced winners of the Agricultural Plastics Innovation Challenge. Carbon Upcycling Technologies and Enerra Corporation were selected as this year’s winners for their innovation, business viability, focus on sustainability, scalability of their solution and the strength of their ecosystem.

Berry Growers Introduce Innovation Challenge to Solve for Agricultural Plastic Waste

October 6, 2021 Driscoll’s

Driscoll’s has partnered with Think Beyond Plastic to launch an inaugural Agricultural Plastics Innovation Challenge, which aims to stimulate new recycling processes and the development of alternatives to conventionally used field plastics. Innovators, entrepreneurs, research institutes, start-ups and institutions are encouraged to submit applications for innovative solutions, and winners will have the opportunity to pilot their innovations in a commercial environment.