Complete The Meal With Fixin's For More Register Rings

Columbus, GA – BD&K Foods is moving from the hot bar to the chicken warmer to help retailers offer their customers a complete, convenient, and wholesome meal that’s ready to serve and enjoy. The company’s new Fixin’s line of hot, healthy, ready-­to-­eat, packaged vegetables and side dishes are designed to be sold in grocery stores and delis alongside grab-­and-­go rotisserie chickens, leading to higher average register rings and, because retailers can offer shoppers a complete meal, more register rings as well. With Fixin’s, retailers can make family dinner simple and easy for their customers.

Retailers sell 800 million rotisseries chickens each year. They’re popular with customers in part because there’s no waiting in line to get their chicken. They don’t even have to stop their shopping carts; they can grab it as they roll on by. So there’s their main dish, but what about the side dishes? As tasty as it may be, a chicken alone is not a meal.

Fixin’s completes the meal with side dishes that are fully prepared, packaged, hot, and ready to grab from right beside the chickens. At home, customers simply open the bags, empty them into serving dishes, and family dinner is ready. Sit down with the kids, relax, eat, enjoy. Simple.

The Fixin’s line launches with eight traditional side dishes: field peas and collard greens, butter beans and sweet kernel corn, green beans, macaroni and cheese, okra and tomatoes, and smashed potatoes. Each one is prepared to capture the traditional tastes of wholesome goodness that the company founders grew up eating around their families’ dinner tables. All the side dishes are made with simple, traditional, wholesome ingredients, with no preservatives or artificial ingredients. Says CEO Kevin Jordan, “We don’t want you to look at the back of the package and not be able to pronounce half of the words.”

“We see the line as more than food,” says Jordan. “It’s about who you are when you gather at the table. We believe that how you eat is as important as what you eat. Fixin’s lets customers join hands with their families around the dinner table, even on their busiest days.”

To bring home the importance of family dinners, each Fixin’s package includes a Fixin’s Fact about the advantages of family dinners together. Examples include:

“Frequent family meals are associated with lower risk of smoking, drinking and using drugs.” — Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

“Family dinners are more important than play, story time and other family events in the development of vocabulary of younger children.” — Harvard Research

“Boys and girls who eat with their families 5 or more times per week are less likely to engage in violent behavior.” — Journal of Adolescence

“Pre-­teen kids who eat with their families are less likely to develop eating disorders.” — Harvard Medical School’s Obesity Prevention Program

With Fixin’s, retailers can make more frequent family dinners easier for their customers. The Fixin’s line not only leverages the popularity of rotisserie chickens to sell the side dishes, but, because retailers can now offer a complete meal, sells more chickens as well. With Fixin’s, retailers complete the meal and ring the register for higher margins on each sale.


Fixin’s are hot, wholesome, ready-­to-­eat, vegetables and side dishes made in the traditional Southern way, with all-­natural ingredients. Find Fixin’s in grocery stores and delis in convenient packages right beside grab-­and-­go rotisserie chickens. Pick up a complete, affordable, traditional meal on the way home, serve it up, and gather around the table for a delicious family dinner.

BD&K Foods, Inc.

Founded in 1999 in Auburn, Alabama and relocated to Columbus, Georgia in 2009, BD&K Foods has for fourteen years provided hot and ready Southern-­style side dishes to meat-­ and-­three restaurants, grocery store hot bars, and deli buffets. Each year, the company serves 70 million side dishes to families all over the country and to our military families overseas. BD&K provides better, tastier solutions to the daily challenge of the family dinner.

Source: BD&K Foods, Inc.