Restaurant Competition Is Now At Your Grocer’s Deli Case

Gazing into your competitor’s windows lately? Do you see the same empty dining room through their windows they see when they look through yours? Of course you do. Every dining room is emptier today than it was just a year ago. And, if you have been paying attention while pondering ways out of the quandary of diminishing returns, you most likely realize you are not doing anything wrong. However, it may be you’re not doing everything right.

On top of that your competition is no longer down the street in a neighboring restaurant. Today private home chefs blanket a neighborhood and develop a healthy clientele. Home meal preparation storefronts are opening next to area strip mall restaurants and developing a client roster that could change the way we cater to our customers. And, then of course there lies a culinary guerilla we never imagined would eat into our customer’s dining-out dollars since there share of the food budget was hefty and placed in a wire cart. Grocery stores have proven to be a worthy competitor for dining dollars: the massive cases are filled with culinary artwork that not only appeals to the palate but is astonishingly fashionable to the eye.

In a recent report published by those polling-report people who continually poll people to keep us posted, Americans are spending less today than they have in the past three years. Who would have thought that, without a poll? And, while compiling the data, the polling company estimates that habitually Americans will continue to spend less. Information – Tsunami of earth-shattering proportion. Obviously they never looked in a restaurant owner’s window recently.

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