Outwitted By High-Tech Scammers, Lucky Supermarket Delayed Warning Customers Of Security Breach

Lucky Supermarket executives, outwitted by criminals using wireless technology to download customer financial information from self-checkout terminals in Petaluma and across the Bay Area, delayed notifying customers because they thought they'd prevented a security breach.

However, as officials took three weeks to diligently check each terminal at the company's 233 stores, criminals continued to access debit card and pin numbers and then began draining cash from bank accounts of unsuspecting Lucky customers.

“We actually at that point thought that we had prevented any data breaches,” said Stephen Ackerman, chief financial officer of Lucky's corporate owner, Modesto-based Save Mart Supermarkets.

Most debit and credit card skimmers store data and then are physically retrieved by someone who downloads the information, he said.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Press Democrat