Montchevre Introduces Goat Milk Yogurt

February 1, 2011 Montchevre

Montchevre, Americas leading goat cheese manufacturer, has expanded beyond goat cheese, into the goat milk yogurt market!

2010 Dietary Guidelines Reaffirm Dairy As Food Group To Encourage

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius released today the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These new Dietary Guidelines recommend that Americans increase their intake of low-fat and fat-free dairy products to reach three servings of dairy for adults, two and one-half servings of dairy for children between the ages of four and eight and two servings for children ages two and three.

Organic Valley Co-Op Forces N.H. Farm To Stop Selling Raw Milk Locally

The Dafeldecker family is one of Stonewall Farms 80 raw-milk customers. In late November, they all received letters from Executive Director Joshua Cline explaining that a change in policy at Organic Valley, the cooperative that buys the majority of the farms milk, was forcing the end of the raw-milk sales.

Join Us In Celebration Of Another Exciting Season At Greenheart Farms!

Spring Trials 2011, March 27th – 30th: Discover our new varieties and programs while visiting with our growing experts and learn production techniques that will help your customers be successful with our products..

WF&FSA Freight Savings Programs Regional & National Service For Hard Goods!

WF&FSA is very pleased to offer new, discounted regional and national trucking services. Each carrier in the program, A. Duie Pyle in the Northeast, Southeastern Freight Lines in the Southeast, AAA Cooper in the Southwest, FedEx Freight West in the West, Con-Way in the Midwest, and YRC as a national/inter-regional carrier, is recognized annually as a leader in its region(s) of service by Logistics Management and Distribution Report.