UK Retailers Can Ramp Up For California Table Grape Season

The California table grape crop starts harvest annually in May. This makes the London Produce Show and Conference an ideal time to reintroduce this U.S.-grown fruit back into overseas markets.

US Foods Holding Corp. Goes Public – Fresh 'Green' Currency Hits New York Stock Exchange

In a brief, reflective moment of ironic calm in the early morning of May 26, 2016, PRODUCE BUSINESS finds Pietro Satriano, president and CEO of Rosemont, Il-based US Foods Holding Corp., inconspicuously standing solo across from the New York Stock Exchange. He is observing the star-studded chefs representing US Foods’ independent restaurant customers hurriedly prepping menus along the 50-foot line restaurant kitchen it recreated beneath the NYSE façade draped in a huge US Foods banner.

NC Looks To London Produce Show As Important Step To Doubling European Sales In Five Years

Over the next five years, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services would like to see its state’s produce sales double in the European market.

USDA Under Secretary Visits Jalisco, Mexico To Announce State As Newest Avocado Supplier To US

May 31, 2016 APEAM

In a visit to Jalisco, Mexico, USDA Under Secretary Edward Avalos announced that the state of Jalisco is now certified to ship avocados to the U.S. Jalisco joins the neighboring state of Michoacán as authorized avocado suppliers to the U.S. market. Mexico’s export program is managed by APEAM in close partnership with the USDA and SAGARPA, Mexico’s agriculture ministry.

IFG Appoints New Assistant Breeder

World renowned fruit breeding and licensing company, International Fruit Genetics, LLC, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Christopher Owens as its new Assistant Breeder.