A Production Solution For Tortillas & Flatbreads

Caravan Ingredients has developed Southern Tortilla, a highly concentrated base that is produces very white, soft, pliable tortillas with extended shelf life.

Americans are eating more tortillas and flatbreads; 22% of individuals consume tortillas or pitas at least once in an average 2-week period. Southern Tortilla offers manufactures’ a convenient and efficient solution to produce extended shelf life tortillas without sacrificing quality and functionality.

Southern Tortilla is available in convenient, pre-scaled batch packs that enable manufacturers to save time, lower inventory levels and reduce costly scaling errors. Finished products are flexible and have very high opacity.

To learn more about Caravan Ingredients tortilla and flatbread solutions, please call your local sales representative or 800-660-4092.

*Source: NPD National Eating Trends

Source: Caravan Ingredients