As The Holidays Approach, Local Independent Bakeries Take The Cake

In the wee hours of the morning, before the sun begins to color the sky, a bit of magic is being whipped up in the kitchens of some of our favorite neighborhood bakeries.

Pantry staples such as flour and sugar are being beaten, blended and mixed with butter, cream and myriad other ingredients. Then, presto! Delectable confections and tender pastries of all shape, hue, texture and flavor appear behind glass cases like so many rabbits pulled from hats.

Perhaps the most mystical part of the enterprise is that it persists in every corner of the region despite rejection by calorie-counters; despite competition from supermarkets and national names such as Krispy Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts; and despite a burgeoning resurgence in home baking, piqued by TV shows that tantalize viewers with the prospect of impressive desserts made at home.

But persist such hometown bakeries do, much to the delight of customers, especially at this time of year when the demand for "something special" peaks.

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