Aunt Millie’s Introducing Degradable Wrap For Bread

FORT WAYNE, IND. Aunt Millie’s, a family-owned bakery company, has made the
inner wrap on its Aunt Millie’s Hearth Breads degradable. The change will affect
12 bread varieties.

In December, the company said it converted the inner wrap for all its Hearth
Breads to EnviroSafe 502E degradable OPP film, which decomposes completely into
CO2 and biomass over time when exposed to sunlight, moisture and heat.

Degradable inner wrap costs 50% more than non-degradable film, but we thought
it was worth it for the sake of the environment, said Melissa Dunning,
marketing director for Aunt Millie’s. Aunt Millie’s wants to lead the way in
sustainable bread packaging.

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