Benefit From The Glocal Kitchen Trend

Local sourcing is a trend. And that’s hardly surprising, given its positive impact on the environment. At the same time, many consumers are seeking adventure in their food: they long for exotic tastes and textures. This combination has been leading to the emergence of glocal, where global goods are prepared using global techniques, but exclusively local ingredients. How can this trend support your business?

The trend: glocal kitchen
Think global, act local: that’s what defines the glocal kitchen. Glocal kitchens prepare international recipes and cater to palates from all over the world, while using only local ingredients. Glocal is a hybrid word: a contraction of the words ‘globalization’ and ‘localization’. It’s used for products that are developed and distributed globally, but are prepared from local ingredients. Many glocal kitchens adapt their products to the taste preferences and cultures of the consumers who buy their products at local markets.

Effects produced by the glocal kitchen trend
Most trends produce both positive effects and negative consequences. For glocal kitchens, the pros outnumber the cons by far. Some of the positive effects:

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