Breaking Bread With Family-Owned Success Story Ozery Bakery

If you’ve ever picked up a Pita Break, you'll recognize the product by its iconic smiling pita. The family-run, Canadian company has used this logo for the past two decades, but now it’s time for a change, explained co-founder Alon Ozery and his brother, Guy, during a recent tour of the company's Ontario facilities.

For the company’s 20th anniversary, the brothers have decided to rebrand their products with the family name – Pita Break will now be known as Ozery Bakery.

There are a number of reasons for the switch, explain the two, including the fact that many customers confuse the brand with other pita companies. Plus, the company sells more than pitas, churning out vast amounts of other breads including Morning Rounds (toastable fruit and grain buns), One Buns (thin, pre-sliced sandwich buns) and Lavash crackers.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Ottawa Sun