Bridor's Success Inspired By A Simple "Passion For Baking"

As a leading baker of artisan breads, croissants and pastries, Bridor knows firsthand the weight carried by a simple, freshly baked croissant. Case in point: management recently outlined a new goal asking all sales representatives to start every morning meeting with a basket of the comforting treat shared with their first customer.

“We strongly believe in our product,” says Pierre Martella, Vice President of Sales and Marketing in Canada, “and we just want to share it.”

History of Bridor

Originally founded as the industrial division of Groupe Le Duff, a company operating a group of international restaurants, Bridor has honed its specialty in baking French-style breads, baked goods and Viennese pastries and now operates five plants – three in Canada, one in the USA and one in France.

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