Judge Approves Up To $1.8 Million In Bonuses For Hostess Executives

NEW YORK – Hostess Brands Inc. got a judge’s approval to give its top executives bonuses totaling up to $1.8 million as part of its wind-down plans.

The maker of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Hos said the incentive pay is needed to retain the 19 corporate officers and “high-level managers” during the liquidation process, which could take about a year.

Two of those executives would be eligible for additional rewards depending on how efficiently they carry out the liquidation.  The bonuses would be in addition to their regular pay.

The bonuses do not include pay for CEO Gregory Rayburn, who was brought on as a restructuring expert earlier this year. Rayburn is being paid $125,000 a month.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: CBS New York