Whole Grains Conference Highlights: China, Guidelines, McDonald’s

For three days last week, The Nines Hotel in Portland, Oregon, rocked as 150 chefs, marketing experts, product developers, and health professionals attended the WGC’s latest whole grains conference. After all the months of planning, it's nice to know we made it happen, and to get emails like these: "The conference was truly spectacular…" "I got a lot out of it. And although we use whole grains every day, it definitely got me newly energized about them…" "Fantastic job at the conference! You run a top-notch organization."

With nineteen information-packed sessions featuring 27 speakers, it’s hard to know where to begin to share the highlights of this event – but here are a few that we think carry big impacts:

Partnership with China

China’s love affair with white rice and noodles may be coming to an end. Faced with rising obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, Chinese authorities are determined to promote the benefits of whole grains in their country. Yu Xiaodong, General Director of China’s Public Nutrition and Development Center (PNDC) and one of the top nutrition authorities in China, came to our conference to learn more about successful whole grain promotions. That's Mr. Yu, above, with Oldways President Sara Baer-Sinnott, accepting a copy of The Oldways Table.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Whole Grains Council