Douglas K. Dillon Memorial Tribute Established Within American Floral Endowment

January 7, 2011 American Floral Endowment

A Memorial Tribute has been established within the American Floral Endowment honoring Douglas K. Dillon, 85, who died September 30. The tribute was established by a $1,500 donation by the Board of Directors of Hortica Insurance, a leading insurance and employee benefits provider to garden centers, nurseries, retail florists, wholesale floral distributors, greenhouse growers, and other industry professions.

It’s Coming Up Carnations For January

The turn of each new month comes with the opportunity to shine the spotlight on a different flower, as blooms, like birth stones, correspond to various months. During January, the carnations take center stage.

Stunning Flower Arrangements Can Be Had All Year

I grow a lot of flowers, all year long, in three different gardens in three locations. My objective is to have beauty to look at wherever I am, but most important, to have flowers and foliage to cut for seasonal arrangements for my homes.

New Leaf Flores Re-Thinks The Boutonniere

January 6, 2011 New Leaf Flores

New Leaf Flores, one of Boston’s most recognized floral design and flower shops serving the Greater Boston area, is revitalizing the traditional concept of the boutonniere by intersecting nature and art with a modern twist.

VGB: Total Dutch Flower & Plant Exports In 2010 Disappointing In The End

January 6, 2011 Staff Reporter,

Despite initial predictions to the contrary, the Dutch export of flowers and plants in 2010 was not all that great after all. Even though the sector showed 5 percent growth compared to the prior year, this was significantly lower than the 8 percent growth which initially seemed to manifest itself during the course of the year. Herman van de Boon, chairman of the VGB – the Dutch horticulture-sector organization for wholesaling therefore qualifies the overall result as unsatisfactory.