Ag Against Hunger To Host Autumn Harvest Glean And Barbecue

The harvest glean will provide additional fresh produce to local food banks just before Thanksgiving, so they may share this food with families throughout the tri-county area and beyond.

Jersey Fresh A Mantra In School Cafeterias

The “localvore” movement, in which consumers buy locally grown produce for the dual benefits of fresher food and reducing the carbon footprint of eating, is moving beyond restaurants and foodie circles into school cafeterias.

Small Distributors Focus On Getting Local Produce To The Masses

These small distributors are carving out their own niche in an industry long dominated by giants like Sysco and U.S. Foodservice that dont specialize in Michigan-grown foods.

Fresh Artichokes Spice Up Fall Meals

November 17, 2009 Kori Tuggle, Ocean Mist Farms

Web stats help artichoke growers provide seasonal recipes.

Mann Packing Launches Three Budget-Friendly Winter Items

Just in time for football and holiday parties, Manns Sunny Shores new Dip Combo platter features two of Americas most popular dips, Home-style Ranch and Creamy Dill with Manns fresh cut vegetable assortment.