'Freshman 15:' How To Help Fuel Minds On College Campuses

The school year is back in full swing. Papers, projects, and finals are spinning in students’ heads. Travel back in time and think about your college years. Remember what it was like to make your own decisions for the first time? Or to eat dorm food? 

College students are eager to experience life, succeed, learn, and grow. Let’s make it easier for them when it comes to making new food decisions on their own. Here are 15 of our favorite ideas to healthfully fuel minds and fill fridges.

1. A gallon of milk weighs eight pounds and many campuses don’t allow cars for underclassmen. Carrying milk home on foot or public transportation in addition to other groceries is challenging. Smaller containers and individual servings make it easier for college students to get delicious low-fat dairy products home, so be sure that college towns are properly stocked for easy transport.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy